IN2bpm – IN2 Business Process Management is a simple and modern platform for business digitalization. Significantly shortens the time of processing and verification of documents and maximally facilitates the management of work tasks and business processes.
Digitalize your business today!
Why choose IN2bpm
Comprehensive information system for digitization of office operations.
It is the core of office operations of digital processes: scanning, office filing, digitization (OCR) of documents, barcoding, internal collaboration of objects, creation of output documents by templates, dynamic expansion of data models, workflow monitoring, archives and integration with the environment (IN2bpm, DMS , ERP, invoices, contracts, electronic signature, etc.).
With the digital transformation, office operations are no longer performed only in the office through registration but are digitized and initiated as electronic objects and distributed to employees through digital channels. It enables employees to quickly solve work responsibilities, automatically file, report on activities performed and insight into all jobs in which they participated in a transparent, fully digital way anytime and anywhere.
Browsing and quick search, insight into the entire digital file, tracking deadlines, timely information and statistical reporting. Interoperability.
Internal organization, scope of work, types of documents, collaboration flows, registers, adaptation of additional data, templates, authorization and access configuration.
Defining the directions of file movement, presignation, approval, digital signing, archiving.
Receipt of documents, scanning, classification of documents, establishment of a digital case, entry in the register of parties.
Scheduling, notifications, receiving, resolving, drafting documents.
Digitization projects of Croatian healthcare, justice, maritime transport, commercial economic IT projects, as well as projects in the fields of insurance and finance, which facilitate the daily life and work of our citizens and business entities, are the greatest achievement of IN2 group.